You have your oils, now what. I recommend getting a few starter supplies to help with easy of implementing these into your life.
First up, a good quality liquid oil. My personal favorite is fractionated coconut oil. Coconut oil has great benefits for the skin and fractionated means it stays liquid (whereas normal coconut oil hardens at a set temperature). Almond oil, avocado oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, will also work fine. I find one with a hand pump is great for ease of use.

Secondly, roller bottles. I personally like the 10 ml bottles best. These are great for making personal blends.

Third, spray bottles. Oils are recommended to be stored in dark bottles, so blue or brown are best. I use 2 oz the most, but have a couple 4 oz bottles as well. I also have some stainless steel ones that I use for room freshener spray.

Finally, a diffuser. This is a great way to get the aromatic benefits of oils. My current favorite is this one. It also makes a calming bubbly noise to provide a calming effect.

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